主页 / 解决方案 / 项目解析 / 零售照明 / 哈尔滨群力远大购物中心


  • 哈尔滨群力远大购物中心
  • 哈尔滨群力远大购物中心
  • Lamp efficacy

    Lamp efficacy

    Ensuring the lamp efficiently converts electricity into light (lm/W).

  • Ballast classification

    Ballast classification

    Controlling the electricity supply to the lamp (Energy Efficiency Index).

  • Luminaire distribution

    Luminaire distribution

    Controlling light emission using optics which bend and shape the light to the correct location.

  • System efficacy

    System efficacy

    Combining optical and thermal control within the luminaire (luminaire lm/W).

  • Presence/absence detection

    Presence/absence detection

    Presence: Lights automatically turn on/off with movement. Absence: Lights automatically turn off and must be manually switched on.

  • Daylight detection

    Daylight detection

    Artificial lighting which responds to the natural light conditions.

  • Constant illuminance

    Constant illuminance

    A function designed to produce correct light levels for the duration of the maintenance period.

  • Task-scene setting

    Task-scene setting

    Allowing the user to set scenes and adapt the lighting to different tasks.

  • Timed off

    Timed off

    Automatic cut-off can be installed to turn all lights off during unoccupied hours.

  • Task lighting

    Task lighting

    Lighting task areas with the correct amount of light.

  • Zoning of lighting

    Zoning of lighting

    Lighting is zoned according to area use.

  • Maintenance schedule

    Maintenance schedule

    Maintenance must be performed in response to product age, performance and environment.

  • Waste light

    Waste light

    Eliminating waste light which does not hit the intended target.

  • Reflectance


    Taking advantage of light which is reflected from the surface within the space.

  • Visible smart metering

    Visible smart metering

    Results of actions can be quickly seen as increased or decreased energy use to encourage responsible energy consumption.




哈尔滨群力远大购物中心是中国远大集团在黑龙江投资的又一重点项目, 为哈尔滨市群力新区的首家大型商业中心。

在远大购物中心中,安装了多款索恩照明的灯具产品,包括了Round LED固定/可调角度筒灯、T-CO LED射灯、Line LED 软灯条、Minilux LED 支架、Multilight LED格栅射灯、Sirius LED轨道射灯。Round LED有精确的光学控制,可提供优质且无眩光的照明;T-CO LED嵌入式射灯可为任何室内商业场所、接待区域提供优质、高效的照明解决方案;Line LED是一款超薄柔性灯条,可用于任何复杂空间的照明;Minilux LED是一款简洁、高效、可靠的LED;Multilight LED是一款系列化设计的LED格栅射灯,一到三头版本可选,可提供精准的照射角度;Sirius LED则是一款一体化的轨道射灯,带3线接头,高光效与高功率使它成为传统HID轨道射灯的优质替换者。


Round LED固定/可调角度筒灯
Line LED 软灯条
Minilux LED 支架
Multilight LED格栅射灯
Sirius LED轨道射灯