主页 / 解决方案 / 项目解析 / 办公照明 / 英国纽卡斯尔联队足球俱乐部


  • Newcastle United Football Club, UK
  • Newcastle United Football Club, UK
  • Newcastle United Football Club, UK
  • Newcastle United Football Club, UK
  • Newcastle United Football Club, UK
  • Newcastle United Football Club, UK
  • Lamp efficacy

    Lamp efficacy

    Ensuring the lamp efficiently converts electricity into light (lm/W).

  • Ballast classification

    Ballast classification

    Controlling the electricity supply to the lamp (Energy Efficiency Index).

  • Luminaire distribution

    Luminaire distribution

    Controlling light emission using optics which bend and shape the light to the correct location.

  • System efficacy

    System efficacy

    Combining optical and thermal control within the luminaire (luminaire lm/W).

  • Presence/absence detection

    Presence/absence detection

    Presence: Lights automatically turn on/off with movement. Absence: Lights automatically turn off and must be manually switched on.

  • Daylight detection

    Daylight detection

    Artificial lighting which responds to the natural light conditions.

  • Constant illuminance

    Constant illuminance

    A function designed to produce correct light levels for the duration of the maintenance period.

  • Task-scene setting

    Task-scene setting

    Allowing the user to set scenes and adapt the lighting to different tasks.

  • Timed off

    Timed off

    Automatic cut-off can be installed to turn all lights off during unoccupied hours.

  • Task lighting

    Task lighting

    Lighting task areas with the correct amount of light.

  • Zoning of lighting

    Zoning of lighting

    Lighting is zoned according to area use.

  • Maintenance schedule

    Maintenance schedule

    Maintenance must be performed in response to product age, performance and environment.

  • Waste light

    Waste light

    Eliminating waste light which does not hit the intended target.

  • Reflectance


    Taking advantage of light which is reflected from the surface within the space.

  • Visible smart metering

    Visible smart metering

    Results of actions can be quickly seen as increased or decreased energy use to encourage responsible energy consumption.



使用LED光源的19盏高效射灯和筒灯为贵宾专区提供照明,151盏嵌入式Quattro LED则为楼上两层的主通道提供照明。全新照明计划使得电力运营成本分别减少约30%和50%。

由Martin Thompson和Steve Gleghorn组成的Thorn索恩照明团队负责贵宾专区的翻修计划,他们清楚地知道项目产品需要出色的外观、优质的白光以及便利的人员控制和经济的运营。因此他们选择了12盏Base LED 1000和D-CO LED筒灯、两个Tidon LED可调角度格栅射灯和四盏Prospector LED射灯的组合。





嵌入式Quattro LED灯具可以提供高水平的柔和低亮度照明和完全差异化的视觉效果。此外,它们可以显著提升显色性(92 CRI v 80 CRI)。相较于此前的安装,电力负载减少近一半(14.1kW降至7.4kW),每年节约碳排放税成本近4000英镑,此外,50000小时的光源寿命有望节约大笔维护费用。

如遇断电,贵宾专区和过道将很快成为障碍。为了协助宾客尽快找到正确的疏散路线,45盏备用Voyager LED Route和LED Area灯具将发挥作用。相较于传统荧光系统,LED紧急照明灯具外形更为美观,用电更加节约,整体电源要求更低。所有灯具均使用单一高性能2.7W LED光源和复杂光学器件来改善灯光控制。因此该装置可以在更广的范围内使用,节约安装和运行成本。